Monday, January 9, 2012

Parent Parking

You've no idea how much I appreciate it when I find parent accessible parking. Believe me it is a rarity. Shopping and town centres never have ample provision, some can't be bothered to provide any at all.  Sometimes knowing I'm going to battle with parking and getting the baby comfortably in and out of the car puts me off going, especially if I'm going solo. 

Car seats are heavy and bulky things to get in and out of the car. Newborns are floppy and difficult to manipulate into their seats. Wide door access is kind of essential. 

Normal car parking spaces just don't cut it; they are all crammed so close together that even if you manage to park with enough space to get the baby out by the time you return some numpty has parked so close to your car you've no hope of getting the baby back in the car unless you reverse out first. Stuff of nightmares going out solo.  I had my first glimmer of this problem while I was heavily pregnant and couldn't open the doors wide enough to get myself through.

So today imagine my joy when I drove straight into a parent and child space. Arriving in town, zero stress.  And then on my return to the car finding the two spaces next to me had also become available! Monday afternoons in January are obviously the time to go to town, if you need wide access spaces for parents.

A rare sight; available parent and child parking! 

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